Sunday 27 January 2008


I love bookmarks - in fact I've a bit of a collection. Whenever I see one that catches my eye, I pick it up, especially if it's free. They live, slipped inside books, all along my shelves, marking a passage I've particularly enjoyed, or a poem I wish I'd written. And sometimes they mark the place where I stopped reading, a gentle reminder that I can start again whenever I like.

Imagine my delight when trudging round the shops for Christmas gift ideas,I came across a bookmark calendar - a different bookmark for every month of the year. 'One year of masterpieces' as the front cover described it. Each bookmark has a small calendar at the top with a painting from the featured artist below. I chose Gustav Klimt because of the colours and patterns and because they are peaceful and that's good if you want to sit down with a cup of tea and have a relaxing read.

I could have given my precious find away to a friend, thereby solving at least one of my gift dilemas. But instead, I bought it and kept it all for myself, hiding it away until the beginning of January, a small treat for the new year and a present from me to me.

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